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What I'm reading...


A chance to share a few of the things I've come across online lately.

Ideal Body Types Throughout History
"Can you solve the maths question for Singapore schoolkids that went viral?"
Alex Bellos
"Why can't we just let young girls enjoy their sexuality?"
Caitlin Moran 
Ashtanga: the third series.
Here's to a growth mindset! I can't do that... yet!
"Provocative Labels Expose Sweatshop Horrors to Shoppers"
Liz Dwyer
"The 10 funniest Danish expressions and how to use them"
Helen Russell
"Spend less on stuff, more on experiences."
James Wallman
"The Moral Bucket List"
David Brooks
"Why we shouldn't judge a country by its GDP"
Michael Green
Cucumber gin & tonic popsicles!
Yoga for wine lovers!
"How I retired at 25 and never looked back"
Matilda A. Juliette
"Since when were music festivals al fresco fashion shows?"
Hadley Freeman
Love has no labels
Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh
"Dear Future Generations. Sorry."
Prince Ea
Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen
Baz Luhrmann
(via Mary Schmich)
Reasons why frequent travelers should always be hired...
Skateboarding Dog!
Copenhagen Running Routes
Fascinating Optical Illusions!
Overpopulation, overconsumption - in pictures.
"Single and Blissful"
Maria Victoria Malela
Game of Thrones: Thug Notes
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