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Day Off-ski

Joyriding in a Hobie 16 and reaching an incredible 21.3 knots: what a feeling!

Thanks so much to Joe Bennett at Wildwind sailing club for taking me out

the day before he jetted off to the Hobie Worlds today: such a privilege to

be out with such a skilled sailor.

Saturdays mean a day off from my windsurf course and yesterday I chose to use the time getting a bit of practice in with both beach starts and the harness as well as popping next door to Wildwind sailing club where I was based last year. Every afternoon from around 2/3pm a strong cross-shore wind kicks in here in Vassiliki Bay (hence its fame as an amazing windsurf and dinghy spot) allowing for some very exciting sailing. The boys at Wildwind take guests out for 'joyrides' during these stronger winds, something I used to love doing last year whenever we had time off from the dinghy instructor course. Despite all the windsurfing I've been doing over the last two weeks, yesterday was my first time out sailing this year and WOW - what an adrenaline rush! I have never sailed so fast: Joe, the helm (and also beach manager at Wildwind) clocked a speed of 21.3 knots on his GPS while we were sailing. I have to admit to being a bit of a wuss and, when he said he was going to pump up the speed a bit to beat our current fastest, I told him a big fat NOOOOOO! It was plenty fast enough for me already: I just loved being out on the harness again speeding through the water. WHAT A FEELING!!!! Captured on the GoPro with the chest-harness :)

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